6/29/2016 The Cliche by Michael MarrottiThe Cliche The expectation of praise by an audience who enjoys the smell of their own assholes Is like expecting them to feel something that supersedes the cliche of their own shadow No need to behave fortunately we're only on a first name basis first base is more than enough already I feel as though I've struck out I'm calling a foul for that signifies your taste common and complacent words like fuck you flow outside my mouth Banality is suicide I used the box cutter to step outside the box salvaging thoughts persevering through the struggle cliche minions speak from the same flat line I can't get this personality in order normalcy has eluded me I'm dealing with an audience who isn't on mood stabilizers ![]() Bio: Michael Marrotti is an author from Pittsburgh using words instead of violence to mitigate the suffering of life in a callous world of redundancy. His primary goal is to help other people. He considers poetry to be a form of philanthropy. When he's not writing, he's volunteering at the Light Of Life homeless shelter on a weekly basis. If you appreciate the man's work, please check out his blog:www.thoughtsofapoeticmind.blogspot.com for his latest poetry and short stories. 6/28/2016 Four poems by Marc LengfieldLYNX 30 Sit down in the drift and a pocket of night comes to you. It could be the heat. It could be this sentence turning to day. Turning today. Of black mirror. The camera lucida & Pepper's Ghost. The stand aside revenant. You inhabit a room like a sail that swells and fills with a fluttering of white wings and eventually gives way. To a visitation of seas. Then one sea. One blue desert and the sense of a ship. And the sun. An endless burnished blade. Everything in clouds. The bus driver wearing clouds in a long room of clouds. And the wings return. Beating imperceptibly at first, gaining to the whump whump of rotors in the television of shadows. The other television that yields the bombs uplifting, rising out of the desert, flying backwards into planes flying backwards to base. And the wedding party reassembles. The incinerated unburn. Limbs and heads fly back, reattach to torsos. Blood seeps back into the dancers. Eyes blink open. Legs kick. The table resets. Goat cheese, olives & a kiss. The sun the only blade. Part Of Myself Across The Splitting Night-Day Today Everything comes through the window Now my sensibilities strung like pearls Waiting in the center Outside the trees are misplaced The sea belongs to them like a scream… Last night I watched a spiritual lesbian Terrorizing the children of a crime She cut their tongues out Asked each of us If we needed an extra tongue But we didn’t Another woman was trying To force herself to cry I understood but I knew she was alone in that I’m learning to be like some of the weather A lot of times I just happen now Like a breeze that owes no allegiance My house…is under temporal invasion Most of my weaknesses are now Forgivable… And there’s a coolness Like a ribbon running through The approaching summer One Is To Sleep And The Other Is To Travel At Dawn * And there are others. The half-finished house says see me I am changing. Even before dawn you ring yourself, not unlike the bell that strikes open in the township's plaza. Deserted. All before the blue arrival. There are historical forces at play. The little ruins of living. Accumulation. One measure of blessing is lack of interference. But that never lasts. In waiting there can be solace. Mayfly being metaphor for _____________ what is the metaphor for mayfly? Now and then. They say the summers down here will fill you with permanence. The twilit preludes of rain. The city remains itself in distance its people living out. Self-propelled voices power the next breath in soft asylum. Amidst erasure (only cypress saplings) you begin from somewhere, resemble the man on the street, a thud, toss out the extraneous solutions and recount the crows anyway. *The Doors “The Soft Parade” Present Age Your hands beginning with ocean Then foam ending on a displaced shore I go to you thinking through clouds Of blankets and maps because My body only exists in another age Yet my fingers glow across these times As if a lamp had a voice And if once by accident I thought I could guide the sky in its journeys Through the wilderness of ancient city states Where the sentries keep time with black robes Over the fallen with wet tongues Smoothly bought and paid for With hordes of windswept eyes It comes to me now as a house Existing outside of houses in light allied Magnificent and only found In the eyes of taller orphans Bio: Marc Lengfield lives in Florida where he teaches Mathematics at a local university. His work has appeared previously in Dogplotz. 6/27/2016 Three poems by Shekhar DevA Sharp Dark I have created some dreams And a prayed trench with sharp dark in hand The combative mind in tune Exult with ancient light The lost love revives in indifferent behave. Your smooth bed is yearning Drunken bird in upcoming uncertainty of fire Suddenly return in available beauty Wherein boundless recreation And a magic body colored with water melon. Oh dear, don’t give forbidden pain With the name of Radha Taking sharp vermilion in your forehead Set free the balloon of fire that flames up slowly. Perhaps, it will fly in as ash In the night of separation To give a sharp dark. The Gloomy Heaven Dark gathers before sunset. I have thought what a corporate cataract comes in my eyes! Rubbing eyes with hand, I have entered in the primal hole with sun in armpit. Grown moon and Helium star are glimmering in hole. The goddess of Binoy has been caught in strange art. A fairy put off her colorful resources in love of dark. Drunken fairy with great wine said, why my body collapse with your touch? Oh sunken man, don’t touch me dear, just drink. South and West My south cries restlessly, dreams call from west. A brave tune spread all around, give her some from them. Beautify my hand with tiny colored flower and sweet smell. Nights are lightening with glow-worm of inner pain. Dam-breaking boundless waves swing a ship of mind. Mind said what fragrance do you get from ear-drop of Karnafuly? I have a great empire in sky but society. I find eternal haven exchanging your mind. I am innocent hearing the south, Nights stay up after passing days and nothing comes in fix. Months are floating away, years lost, increasing narcissism. The sleeping bird opens her eyes, future is appeared. Pavement will be created with dense smile if the love is true. Bio: Shekhar Dev was born in 1985 at Chittagong in Bangladesh, a South Asian country. Poet's language is Bengali. Two of his poetry collections have been published in Bangladesh. These are 'School of Ancient Practice' (2014) and 'Supreme Liberal Mind' (2016). He completed his degree in Mathematics and post graduation in Pure Mathematics from Chittagong University in Bangladesh. These three poems are from his 2nd poetry collection 'Supreme Liberal Mind.' 6/25/2016 Two poems by Luke SkozaA fish who forgot what gills were for Dreams float, a bird gliding on its last breath. I want to hear the way it sings going down even though I can not rescue it. An organ elegy reaches my ears, a tornado of smoke. it sits on my eyes, keys on a piano. Some say this is an unknown room. No one one says dreams created it. Long ago, a fish forgot what gills were good for and walked out of the stream. It was not dreaming It had no ambition but confusion. Cat Candles With eyes like two candles, her waist with a night white glow. a ceiling light now turned to low. It's the same when love comes to an end, or the marriage fails and people say they knew it was the wrong idea , staring directly into the eyes of a great hungry African cat. But anything worth doing is worth doing badly. Being there by that summer ocean on the other side of things while the sun was fading out of sand until this cigarette is finished, A little moment at the end of it all. While the quiet ashes fall. ![]() Bio: Luke Skoza is a twenty seven year old poet, teacher and model. He has been published in Retort Magazine and Bareknuckle poet along with numerous other journals. He has lived in three different states and two different countries in the last two years but feels at home in New Orleans. If you want to find out more about his life, his facebook is https://www.facebook.com/luke.skoza 6/23/2016 Three poems by L D DiemWhile they sleep I am up sweet girl mama can't sleep after hours of watching you toss and turn eyes transfixed to the monitor I exhale softly as you finally locate dolly running her ragged stitched body over your face her ponytails stiff salty from last night her body limp but still-you cling to her tightly my heart swells the way my stomach did while you were growing inside of it I think of all the unborn poor little Berkley who would never forgive his mother a screaming fetus that was ripped away from my lean fifteen year old body I couldn’t have understood then the regret that I would feel every time your sticky hands reached for my face and pulled me in for a kiss this love is so fierce this mama love playing house her tiny fingers clasped a diaper wipe and pressed it to my nose she loudly instructed for me to “blow” and waited inquisitively she wiped my face delicately the way mommy and daddy do it and blotted my eyeliner with a look of disdain she didn’t know what to do with the ugliness the long black streak of make-up her eyes, wide and innocent baffled by imperfection regret I spent five years crafting perfectly written stanzas about a boy who twirled his hair like my mother the loss of him at fifteen and the baby we would never speak about I emptied my soul on those pieces of paper and then folded them neatly into tiny little squares and tucked them away like the judge who sealed our mistake his final thesis at Kalamazoo was a satin heart sewn together like a pillow he hammered that delicate heart to a wooden board and pierced every square inch with nails we see each other occasionally at the bar, there are no sideways glances no talks of missed opportunities he stares past me blankly and says hello to my husband an awkward moment stinging every inch of my skin revealing my discomfort my vulnerability fifteen years later a working mother, with a small child I still feel his judgement his disapproval of every single word I am writing in this poem ![]() Bio: L D Diem is a high school English teacher, and a mother to a very active toddler. She survives by consuming large amounts of caffeine on a regular basis. 6/22/2016 Two poems by Shelly MillerHow Could I Know I could have done more Her pain touched my heart I heard the agony in her barely audible voice Tears flowed down her cheeks I squeezed her arm trying to encourage her Could I have done more? She sat for a moment longer silently crying choosing to leave class and her things on the table We innocently continued How could we know? Despair had completely engulfed her distorted thinking overwhelming feelings the pain inside too much she had to stop it Jumping didn't kill her Now her physical pain crowds out the grinding emotional agony Soon she'll have to suffer both together Feels like I should have done more What? I ask myself How could I know? Savor Sunset Musical notes shine down in the rays of rhythm a tune for this moment only this one moment never to be repeated exactly the same song again Stop! Give me more than glimpses I want to paint you exactly how you are Help me savor you in my heart forever I want to take pictures Help me savor you in my mind forever I want to record you Help me savor you in my soul forever ![]() Bio: Shelly Miller lives in Creswell, Oregon a town of about 5,000 people. She enjoys hiking, photography, reading and even coloring. She started writing poetry to help her express her feelings and emotions in a way she'd never been able to before. She suffers from mental illness and is working very hard to not let it define who she is. 6/20/2016 Two poems by Lana BellaA Mourner Out Of Luck You were a mourner out of luck, a transient grew idle in transit. You made cold sheets your lone lover, and time, your sympathizer. You hadn't touched another skin for so long now, can anyone see your posture, straight and steady, despite the host of sinews and fat leaving your bones? Toppling over many slopes of sighs and trails of smoke, you had sped into yourself, holding silhouettes of sadness and spume, always changing, into someone else. Water-Glass Jar When she left, it was said she had the fungal blood of a thousand men weeping through her fingertips. Most days she was inflamed to the sky’s touch, waiting for the bony horizon to skipper her towards the rapine of someone else's water-glass jar. But to be not at all nearest to forward, she peeled those cloven fingers from the gaps of her thighs, skinned the hot- plate of pulses before the sun's alkali flow arrived only to snatch up her low oxygen diets. And as if the tender spores of her were forgone in profile, she rose, palms reached out to the rivets bytes of the dulcet shoal, eyes locked with the exquisite corpses of the water. ![]() Bio: A Pushcart nominee, Lana Bella is an author of two chapbooks, Under My Dark (Crisis Chronicles Press, 2016) and Adagio (forthcoming from Finishing Line Press), has had her poetry and fiction featured with over 200 journals, including Columbia Journal, Gravel, elsewhere, among others. 6/18/2016 Two poems by Gary BeckDesperate Girl Your past and present weavings (the inevitable shroud falling between you and your desires,) will not ensure partings. You remember furtive moments (from the icicle beast, dreader of ties,) but trapped by reluctant hungers in a world of no reassurance (coincidence shapes configurations) subtract another unkindness from men of perpetual motion. Literary Wasteland The strange time flow passes all men in the hot flush of day and lengthens into the lonely, silent watches of the hoar-frosted night. Along a dark, deserted street a figure breaks the long pause of desolation, a night wanderer searching the lost midnight streets for an unknown face, the face that once in a dream of passion spoke in a night of fiery waste, long past in the days of youth’s hunger. And now, pausing to look into the store windows, at racks of new crisp books, and feeling a twinge of regret at seeing the standard publishers junk, instead of the great bawdy tales of Chaucer, Boccacio, Rabelais, The Chinese classic Ming novels, the wondrous storytellers who have elevated man, now mouldering somewhere on neglected shelves. Bio: Gary Beck has spent most of his adult life as a theater director, and as an art dealer when he couldn’t make a living in theater. He has 11 published chapbooks. His poetry collections include: Days of Destruction (Skive Press), Expectations (Rogue Scholars Press). Dawn in Cities, Assault on Nature, Songs of a Clerk, Civilized Ways, Displays (Winter Goose Publishing). Fault Lines, Perceptions, Tremors and Perturbations will be published by Winter Goose Publishing. Conditioned Response (Nazar Look). Resonance (Dreaming Big Press). His novels include: Extreme Change (Cogwheel Press) Acts of Defiance (Artema Press). Flawed Connections (Black Rose Writing). Call to Valor will be published by Gnome on Pigs Productions. His short story collection, A Glimpse of Youth (Sweatshoppe Publications). Now I Accuse and other stories will be published by Winter Goose Publishing. His original plays and translations of Moliere, Aristophanes and Sophocles have been produced Off Broadway. His poetry, fiction and essays have appeared in hundreds of literary magazines. He currently lives in New York City. 6/17/2016 55 Stitches by Catherine Meara55 Stitches Fat Girl’s swollen fingers finally find a CD the glow of her song in the air waking Catatonic Man who belts out the tune better than Mariah eliciting joyful giggling glances pinging from one eye to another after his serenade he lowers his head back to his knees his hands whispering quivers there is no reaching him Elvis has left the building… Normal Looking Girl who slashed her neck in a blackout rakes the lounge with baby-blue reality-lost disbelief-fog eyes hangs tight to a plastic cup full of Ginger Ale originally from a can wow no cans shoelaces pens bras jewelry metal nail files stabbing tearing hanging items its happened before gory violence red soon in restraints doctors nurses whoever silently screaming at each other with big swoopy hands outside the quiet room I am calm cool collected insane… Screaming Man big guy throws himself at doors at walls imploring demanding crying to go home defeated surrounded by orderlies and men in black copish suits with copish radios a shot in his ass sleeping calm cool collected suddenly awake shuffles into our realm invading our snug clan a Russian spy eyeballing all around disappearing in the couch in the wall he slowly enters our fucked-up version of a micro society if he says the wrong thing or acts the wrong way banned gone sayonara don’t act crazy on the psych ward where ravaged normality is coveted… 55 Stitches Man vertically cut each palm half way up both arms the bandages gone all kinds of pain written in tiny metal clamps holding all of him together bloated hands gently holding fork cup suicide he says to quickly eyes and feet dancing electronically in no real pattern not looking at his arms not looking down… Sick green walls that vomit the floor shiny white beige treaded slippers scrape along the endless square around the unit can’t lift their fucking feet that fucking sound follows me darting around the shadowed corners evil cheating cat’s eyes creeping around toward me tail’s twirling winding around the legs of the table in my room fear giant fear… ![]() Bio: Catherine has her BA degree in Professional Writing in English from Carlow University. She has had numerous short stories and non-fiction published. In continuing to write vigorously, she puts all of herself into expression and words. Writing is her savior, experience her muse. |
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