3/1/2019 Featured Poet: Puma Perl Michael Cory CC Instead of Suicide I made coffee. Read Michael Lally’s Village Sonnets. Ate toast. Washed the kitchen floor. Worked on a gallery project. Wrote a poem. Corresponded with The Writer. Checked on a grieving friend. Washed the bathroom floor. Made the bed. Put the books back. Hung up the clothes. Showered. Dressed. Walked to the store. Bought chicken. And vanilla wafers. Drank ginger tea with wafers. Watched Game of Thrones. Sunday, 2:44 PM. Still sick of living. Read half a Lorrie Moore story. Slept for an hour. Woke up. Checked messages. One friend fell down a flight of stairs. Another can’t find her cat. Called the one with the stairs. Baked sweet potato. Ate chicken. Brushed teeth. Changed clothes. Put make-up on. And leather jacket. Walked to Theater 80. Watched a band open. Changed seat because of talking woman. Changed seat because of coughing woman. Watched Acker Awards. Clapped. Took pictures. Talked to people. Stopped at Treehouse. Bluegrass band, Velvet Underground covers. 11:45 PM This is what it takes to be ok for 15 minutes. THE STAND On the day after the election I forgot how to say “Good Morning” Wandered in early darkness Nobody spoke Two years later I can’t say “Happy Birthday,” either How do you wish someone a wonderful year or a great day? Sometimes I send birthday greetings and write “despite it all” Despite the Stephen King story in which we live, despite The Twilight Zone climate change Despite the blaring television news Despite the birthdays rolling on Destruction runs through my blood Obliterating spirits deep as the land It is no longer an option to look away There are short distractions Red velvet cake, Alejandro’s songs, Ninth innings Like baseball, every day is a new game with the same broken rules and broken bats Upon awakening, I no longer want to die I want to kill I’ve noticed that more people want to fuck me than they did last year I’m the same, a year older, no better, not much worse Doesn’t seem to matter when it comes to desire The writer from 11th Street seeks a DeBeauvoir for his angst-ridden Sartre soul The poet I threw out no longer hates me The married friend resurfaces as a dark-haired Spencer Tracey, I’m his Katherine Hepburn in a rock and roll t-shirt The comic, the ex-junkie, the astronaut, the entertainer All wrapped up in a Ray Charles song Everyone reaching, reaching for something to fill the void of our today Usually, I’d rather walk the dog But occasionally fall for the wrong man at the wrong time in the right moment Because it’s all we have One moment that feels a little bit right or at least not completely wrong. ![]() Puma Perl is a widely published poet and writer, as well as a performer and producer. She is the author of two chapbooks, Ruby True and Belinda and Her Friends, and two full-length poetry collections, knuckle tattoos, and Retrograde, (great weather for MEDIA press.) A fifth, Birthdays Before and After, is due for release Winter, 2019. She is the creator, curator, and producer of Puma Perl’s Pandemonium, which launched at the Bowery Electric in 2012 and brings spoken word together with rock and roll. As Puma Perl and Friends, she performs regularly with a group of excellent musicians. She’s received two honorable mentions and one first place award from the New York Press Association in recognition of her journalism and was the recipient of the 2016 Acker Award in the category of writing and lives and works on the Lower East. (Photo, Dina Regine)
Barbara Moore
3/2/2019 03:27:11 pm
Fantastic work. Intimate. Like catching up with a good friend you didn't know you had.
Catherine Zickgraf
3/27/2019 06:13:18 am
Puma, I enjoyed "Instead of Suicide." You put words to my own experience. Comments are closed.
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