8/25/2016 Four Poems by Ron AndrolaWhales in the Clouds (for Megan Bell) Whale semen circles the cream spirals in a cup of smiling barista coffee as fresh as sudden family death. A sweet black cigarette twins with pulverized beans from Java where whales roll & growl on sunny saltwater beds, a whole body french-kiss, shredded by aluminum foam. Under the ocean, whales squeeze & deflate like fat milk cows. Whales, full lungs behind Ahab's rib bones, stand upright, bent by the wind in the water. They are spiders spitting out handfuls of bouyant strings. The whales & spiders sink screaming fishing boats with bulk, webs, & hatred. Angular wing fins flap up & bubble, but all hands on deck, now impregnated by whale sperm fucked into their asses, sink. Ahab smiles like an infant farts. He's hooked by kelp ropes. Wrapped in the leafy arms of a last nurse, tiny fish snip at his purple & yellow bruises. Ahab pisses ink like a battling octopus, yet it's his blood rather than a defense mechanism shading his position, smoking like a large black flower. No love is necessary for birth or for death. No alternative terrestrial emotion globes Ahab nor his bloated crew. There is no mercy for failure. Soon, the 7 seas will contract & solidify into dirty vaseline thickened by drips of whale come. Spun coffee: the grinning barista: sanity is extreme. Logical Madness Everybody's gone, & I'm too old to jet excess DNA all over the nude backs of sexy palm trees, to procreate again. Miraculous microbes curl up, sour, & burrow into holes filling with blood on the tops of my feet; gagged demons fuck yodeling angels in midnight alleys, in soft dumpsters of death. A beach bonfire evaporates like God at dawn. I mean EVERYONE'S gone. What do I do with their eyes waking up in my brain? Their faces twist like cotton ghosts inside the complicated network of cellular mammalian veins. The dead unfurl skeins of time soaked with sight & life plasma. The face of a flag snaps in humid space, & slaps that growing grin off the sun. The Fourth of July in the Early 1960's in shadow & dew on the side of my dad's first garage, black dirt, talcum dust, hubcap rust, bone nails, & broken wood; oily, fingerprinted cans, plus a new olds 98 hold summer heat warmer than afternoon inside; I have a pack of matches & a mangled firecracker lattice in my back pocket. I'm not allowed to do this. Never set off firecrackers alone. It isn't safe. I push, like planting plants, gunpowder-rolled paper sticks, blue star ones, red star ones, deep into raw soil along the shadowy edge of the garage. Fuses show like gray hairs of grass, but bent like thick tiny branches. They cheer as fires touch & spark them. I'm fascinated by a whirl of smoke like a thinning ghost in exploded dirt. My mother yells my name from the back door, then she adds volume & my middle name & emphasizes our same last. She's serious. I step from shadows into sunlight, & a mean, loving, concerned face asks, “What do you think you're doing? Don't you know that yr father is sleeping?” He works 7-day swing-shifts in the east end steel-mill, he's young, chews Italian dog-turd cigars. I grumble, & kick up the backyard sidewalk. Mom widens the door. I scowl. I sulk stairs to my hollow sun-soaked bedroom & fall across a boyhood bed. I want to blow up everything. Why We Matter Shadows melt over sunlit bricks at dusk. The shadows burn a cursive word into my neighbor's northern wall. My neighbor's house is full of curdled thoughts, dead cranky cats, & 16th -century disgust. Scripted by a soft elm tree branch, tri- angulated by leaf & movement, [LIFE] is spelled out, shivering, by the last of the sun. I suggest Ann sits in my chair & sees the etched miracle from this perspective across our alley. “Look!” she shouts before reading the bricks, “a lightning bug! 2 lightning bugs!” (Please read the shadow word, sweetheart.) “Unbelievable, LIFE!” Bio: Ron Androla is a poet living with his wife, Ann Androla, in Eerie, PA. He's the author of CONFLUENCE (Busted Dharma Books), 2015, available on Amazon, FACTORY FABLES (Pressure Press), 2016, along with many other books. He's been writing & publishing since the late 1970s. Comments are closed.
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