6/30/2018 Poetry By Alfonso MangoTiny Town Made of Legos I kick down your tiny town made of legos, kid because yer town doesn’t have enough back alleys for the pissdrunks and the vultures to hover over it’s all funfetti and joy and no tv static homicide report it’s no town at all and it’s time you learned that yer utopia hangs a flag of lies of fleeting plastic dreams and my heart was once made of those the fleeting plastic dreams but not no more, billy boy not no more it’s been kicked in ten too many times chewed up by the baby teeth of organized religion and televangelists whose doors only open for money and pussy so goodbye tiny town made of legos goodbye childhood and enlightenment i’m blocking up yer glassless plastic holes fer windows and filling them in with the pain that’s truth that’s at least my truth my pain goodbye goodbye goodbye High On Coffee On Dream I’m high on the coffee of the dream of life of explosions yeah yeah ten million flippin explosions loading shotguns to the heart to the main vein wiring of me of we I disconnect from your hippie nightmare I’d rather drown in coffeedust in poem in withered little sad autumn forever and the dregs keep on dreggin the buildings get higher the coffee gets cold but god damn it all it’s still caffeinated enough to keep me high away from the dandelion delusions of corporeal America and the dreamsicle drizzle of escalating miserable apathy and I’m okay you all my friends my citizens my stranger bedfellows because you see I’ve got my own god damn brand of misery and it knows just exactly the right way to fuck me in the ass. Cute Little Flower Poem Oh yer a cute little flower poem aren’t ya yer a dandy little daydream of sweat and sugar ya got me all fuzzy wuzzy and forgettin and lovey dovey and drowning and you’re slapped so perfectly up there into your cute little digital box and send out your flock of technicolor carrier pigeons to tell everyone that “love is lovely” and the flowers and the hearts and the stars and horseshoes and clovers and blue moons the pots of gold and rainbows and even the reddest of the red balloons that float slowly away so perfectly out of touch from me, from me. Bio: Alfonso Mango is a degenerate droog pacing the stains of his own mess-riddled basement vegas apartment. His drunken scrawlings have been unfortunately tied to publications at Horror Sleaze Trash as well as Punch Drunk Press. Thank you for being gentle on him. Comments are closed.
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