5/31/2022 Poetry by Erica Anderson-Senter John Brighenti CC
POEM FOR THE DECEASED AND ALSO THE LIVING FEATURING A DEAD BUCK for my papa Let me just say it plainly: I am the granddaughter of a dead papa—whose spirit left like smoke- straight up and out the window. We had years, he was always old to me. When I was told he had a bed at the local hospital, I was washing dishes—oh no, I said. It’s fine, they said. Oh no I don’t think so, I said. I wish the narrative was more romantic. What if I was near a mountain stream when I heard he was dying? What if I was climbing a small hill with white Edelweiss flowers swaying near my feet? Please, someone tell me to stop. There is no romance in ceasing. In the ceasing, to absolutely cease. He once told me about the last buck he killed on a snowy October morning. It wasn’t a clean shot so he tracked the beast to exhaustion. He said: I came up to it, dying. His eyes locked on mine—wild with panic- there was no way to mercy without death. And this is how it was when I laid palms to his fading heartbeat. And this is how it was when, gaped, open, and strained, his mouth begged for air. I say this to say, now hear me: I have lost solid ground- and especially when it is quiet and bats fall from the roof—when absolutely I am almost asleep and the air moves in gray lines. Let me say it again: it moves in gray lines. Erica Anderson-Senter lives and writes in Fort Wayne, Indiana. She teaches high school English and Creative Writing. Her first full length collection, Midwestern Poet’s Incomplete Guide to Symbolism, is available through EastOver Press. Her work has also appeared in Tinderbox Poetry Journal, the once CrabFat Magazine, Midwestern Gothic, Off the Coast, and Dialogist among others. Her chapbook, seven days now, was published by The Dandelion Review. Erica hosts free literary events throughout her city to bring poetry to the public. She holds an MFA in Creative Writing through the Writing Seminars at Bennington College in Bennington, Vermont. Comments are closed.
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