The undefinable state of what was and is to come Prophecies of Tom Waits Somehow indescribable One slight; one night; once among the neon and the bar room noise The chaos Seemed to be alien vaguely relative, somehow familiar. The action something invisible something unreal Although important for need of mankind The need for when all else has drained Down, down, away, away, away.… All their eyes were distracted by The neon, billboards, and garbage blowing about. Now forgotten. Yesterday wants - now gone bellies empty Unrequired – unrequited Strangely it shuffled by, A stranger did something smoothing The sculpture of another life from another world. “Pick up your pen and begin write until the muse visits the poem written in your head is more pure than on paper. You’ve no need for what ‘they’ need you have something far, far better and more pure.” Bio: Jonathan Beale has poems published in print and online around the world his work can be found in such books as ‘Drowning’ and ‘The Poet as Sociopath’ (Scar publications). His first collection of poetry ‘The Destinations of Raxiera’ is published by Hammer & Anvil. Recent work published in Dissident Voices, Red Fez, and Sheepshead Review. He lives in deepest Surrey. Comments are closed.
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